Guide of good practices for the promotion of healthy habits in the Ibero-American university context


Miguel Corbí Santamaría
Universidad de Burgos
Delfín Ortega Sánchez
Universidad de Burgos
Antoni Aguiló Pons
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Patricia Molina Gil
Universitat de les Illes Balears


Healthy lifestyle habits, Ibero-American higher education, Knowledge transfer


The promotion of healthy lifestyle habits and the integral well-being of citizens is an objective solidly shared by university institutions in the exercise of their social responsibility. The University of Burgos (UBu), member of the Spanish Network of Healthy Promoting Universities (REUPS), contributes, with incremental force, to SDG 3 - Health and Well-being of the 2030 Agenda, aimed at guaranteeing a healthy life, and promoting well-being for all regardless of age. According to the Social Responsibility Report of the University of Burgos 2021 and the lines of action of the Healthy Campus Aula of the UBu, this objective, extendable to local, regional, state, and global health entities, is articulated in the design, execution and evaluation of intentionally oriented projects and programs. In the exercise of its responsibility related to the transfer of knowledge and innovation, this guide offers in a pioneering way a broad and select set of good practices for the promotion of healthy habits in the Ibero-American university context, reflecting the intense activity developed in the countries participating in its selection.


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Abstract 1529

Cubierta "Guía de buenas prácticas para la promoción de hábitos saludables en el contexto universitario iberoamericano""


May 20, 2022

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
