Geografía y segregación socioespacial urbana. Una mirada desde Iberoamérica
Urban Geography, Socio-spatial Differentiation, Socio-spatial Segregation, Public Policies, Ibero-American Cities, Territory, Spatial AnalysisSynopsis
This work presents the contributions of the I Ibero-American Symposium on Geography and Urban Socio-Spatial Segregation, held at the University of Burgos on 20 and 21 June 2023. This event is framed within the results of the national research project 'Fragmentation and Socio-Spatial Segregation in Spanish medium-sized cities' ( The content focuses on Ibero-American cities based on different approaches and methodologies. The chapters present different studies on this subject in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain and Portugal. The approach and discussion of these contributions encourages academic debate and the role of Geography in contemporary urbanisation processes. Based on these reflections, it also generates the possibility of developing more effective public policies in our cities.
Abstract 1222


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