Social inclusion in cultural participation: a systematic review


Abel Merino Orozco
Universidad de Burgos
Cristina Di Giusto Valle
Universidad de Burgos
Sara Saez Velasco
Universidad de Burgos


social inclusion, cultural accessibility, active participation, cultural identity, social inequalities


This work presents a systematic review aimed at addressing exclusion in cultural access, particularly for socially and/or intellectually vulnerable groups, in order to contribute to social inclusion and active participation. It aims to diagnose exclusion factors, reflect on inclusion models, understand culture's role in identity restructuring and autonomy, and identify best practices in intellectual and social accessibility.

An exhaustive search was conducted in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, delving into 37 selected studies. These studies were categorized into five areas of analysis: Access to culture for people with disabilities, Cultural policies and participation (barriers and facilitators), Health and/or well-being and cultural participation, Cultural diversity and participation, and Access to culture for all. The main conclusions of the work emphasize the dynamization of inclusive and accessible policies as fundamental pillars for an equitable society, which have an impact on improving public health, well-being, and the construction of cultural identities.


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May 6, 2024
Supporting Agencies
This work has been co-financed by Erasmus ISA CULTURE: INTELLECTUALLY AND SOCIALLY ACCESSIBLE - On the way to equality: culture as a tool for social inclusion and labour integration (Erasmus 2022-2-PT02-KA220-YOU-000094042). This concerns a project led by the Bracara Augusta Foundation, with partnerships comprising the Portuguese Catholic University and Cerci Braga in Portugal, the University of Burgos in Spain, and the Zavod RISA Association in Slovenia., The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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