Atención en poblaciones específicas: parálisis cerebral, enfermedades raras, población privada de libertad


María Yolanda González Alonso
Universidad de Burgos
Victoria Ramos Barbero
Universidad de Burgos
Sonia Martínez Sánchez
Centro de Referencia Estatal de Atención a Personas con Enfermedades Raras y Sus Familias (Creer)
María Jesús t Ladrón de Guevara Font
Centro de Referencia Estatal de Atención a Personas con Enfermedades Raras y Sus Familias (Creer)


cerebral palsy, rare diseases, inmate population, research, health


Care in specific populations provides an overview of persons with cerebral palsy, persons with rare diseases and prison populations. It examines the care they currently receive and new strategies to improve their health. For each group, there is a chapter dealing with general and specific needs; it analyses the social and health care system and presents comprehensive intervention programmes to achieve the basic goals of health care, such as prevention and person-centred, community-based rehabilitation. Above all, it provides useful resources in the research context that allow further exploration of these issues.


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September 27, 2024

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