Consejos para hacer las actividades de la vida diaria después del cáncer de mama
Activities of daily living, easy-to-read, breast neoplasm, occupational therapy, assistive devices, leisure activitiesSynopsis
The Easy-to-Read guide Consejos para hacer las actividades de la vida diaria después del cáncer de mama (Advice for daily activities after breast cancer) is divided into two volumes and is an Easy-to-Read adaptation of a previous work, Guía práctica para facilitar las actividades de la vida cotidiana después del cáncer de mama (Practice guideline for daily activities management after breast cancer, University of Burgos). This Easy-to-Read version has been carried out by the professionals of the Más Fácil service (Plena Inclusion Canarias). It aims to transmit fundamental recommendations on self-care after breast cancer to women with reading comprehension difficulties. For this reason, the volumes offer a wide range of guidelines in a clear and concise way, and with the necessary explanations to reach a wide audience. This guide complies with the guidelines and recommendations of the UNE 153101 EX Standard and has been validated by a professional validation team with reading comprehension difficulties and an extensive experience the Easy-to-Read methodology.
This work is the result of a study carried out by occupational therapists in a sample of more than 170 Spanish and Portuguese women on the limitations that may appear after having undergone cancer treatment for breast cancer. From this study, a series of daily activities were identified by the affected women as the most difficult to do in their daily lives.
For each activity, this Easy-to-Read guide offers a series of tips and suggestions, based on the occupational therapist's own knowledge, which can help to simplify the task and adapt it according to the symptomatology presented. Besides, different assistive devices that can help to carry out these activities are also shown.
The Easy-to-Read guide is designed so that each person can read those activities that are difficult for them to carry out and can include the changes that best suit their particular situation in their day-to-day life.
ISBN: 978-84-18465-91-8 (Complete work)
Abstract 1790


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