Engineers & STEM para profesores: Ingenieros y desarrollos sociales, científicos y tecnológicos muy conocidos / Engineers and well-known social, scientific and technological developments / Engenheiros e desenvolvimentos sociais, científicos e tecnológicos bem conhecidos / Ingénieurs et développements sociaux, scientifiques et technologiques bien connus


Natalia Muñoz Rujas
Universidad de Burgos
Ana Pavani
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (BRAZIL)
Fatima E. M’Hamdi Alaoui
Université Abdelmalek Esaadi, Tétouan (MOROCCO)
Eduardo A. Montero García
Universidad de Burgos


STEM education, open educational resources, engineers, teachers


The project Engineers & STEM ( is a free and open tool for teachers to explain facts and realizations that link common uses of society and engineering practices. Its aim is to contribute to STEM (science technology, engineering, and mathematics) promotion worldwide by highlighting the role of engineer’s contribution to the creation of well-known social, scientific, and technological developments. The website Engineers & STEM is the main result of the project and is available at MERLOT (, an open educational resources repository. The materials provide a set of case studies that can be used for classroom assignments or open discussion within the frame of any STEM education program.


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Abstract 30


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Cubierta "Engineers & STEM para profesores: Ingenieros y desarrollos sociales, científicos y tecnológicos muy conocidos / Engineers and well-known social, scientific and technological developments / Engenheiros e desenvolvimentos sociais, científicos e tecnológicos bem conhecidos / Ingénieurs et développements sociaux, scientifiques et technologiques bien connus""


January 20, 2025
Supporting Agencies
This project has been promoted by the digital library MERLOT (Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching, ) of the California State University in the United States.

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
